Miss Call is an innovative methodology to engage users for various activities just over free miscalls . Miscalls has been a common methodology and a widely accepted tools and among mobile users I india to send signals to other users. But with the recent market development it Miss Call helps organizations to interact, engage and deliver information and entertainment to target customer base. Miss Call numbers offered by voice tree technologies can be published over various print and other media. Target audience can interact with the number just by giving a (free) miscall.
Miss Call has been tremendously used by rural organization to efficiently engage remote users and deliver informational content directly to their mobile through vernacular mobile voice calls.
Miss Call for lead generation : Miss Call has been used by many organizations as efficient tool for lead generation both in urban and rural. Organizations publish Miss Call number over their regular print media and other campaigns. Potential leads give miscall on the number to engage either brand or organization. And organizations are able to capture the database of interested users. Such systems have helped efficiently increase the leads by 10 x and in comparatively very lesser cost.
Miss Call Customer Engagement : Miss Call can be efficiently used for customer engagement by providing pull based (sms) updates to users upon miscall. Miss Call is a spam free low cost engagement platform for companies and brands.
Order tracking : When a customer wants to track her/his order, she/he can simply give a miscall on the ecommerce company provided number which is captured by the Miss Call API and is forwarded in real time to the e-commerce system over web. The company can employ their preferred business logic to intimate the customer about his/her order status preferably by sms or in stone cases via e-mail.
Miss Call field verification : Miss Call can be used along with field operation as a verification mechanism. Field agents when interacting with users to give miscall on the number. The numbers captured would be verification for the field agent user interaction.
Miss Call customer feedback : Miss Call can be used for getting customer feedback on the go. Various Miss Call numbers for various opinions from users via miscall. |